Number |
County |
Name |
Owner |
Verif |
Description |
KY-14-01 |
Breckenridge |
Double Lemoyne Star |
Unknown |
06-2016 |
N37 53.253 W86 17.095 |
In Irvington. KY79 N. 0.5 miles from jct with Walnut St. to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 7994. |
KY-14-02 |
Friendship Star |
Fire Department |
06-2016 |
N37 52.910 W86 17.053 |
In Irvington. KY79 N. 0.1 miles from jct with Walnut St. to the quilt on the W. side of the road. |
KY-14-03 |
Untitled |
April Bruce |
06-2016 |
N37 52.003 W86 18.088 |
SW of Irvington. US60 SW 1.2 miles from jct with Woodlawn St. in Irvington to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 13449. |
KY-14-04 |
Schoolhouse |
Eddie & Kim Bennett |
06-2016 |
N37 43.719 W86 14.227 |
SE of Custer. KY86 E. (curves S.) 1.4 miles from jct with KY690 in Custer to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 7447. |
KY-14-05 |
Spinning Star |
Unknown |
06-2016 |
N37 44.226 W86 14.403 |
E. of Custer. KY86 E. (curves S.) 0.8 miles from jct with KY690 in Custer to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 6895. |
KY-14-06 |
Lone Star |
Ernie & Sharen Harned |
06-2016 |
N37 43.922 W86 15.462 |
S. of Custer. KY690 S. 0.45 miles from jct with KY86 in Custer to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 14183. |
KY-14-07 |
Lemoyne Star |
Alma Allgood |
06-2016 |
N37 47.140 W86 19.275 |
NW of Custer. KY86 NW 5.1 miles from jct with KY690 in Custer to the quilt on the SW side of the road at 918. |
KY-14-08 |
Little Dutch Boy |
Daniel Smith |
06-2016 |
N37 47.439 W86 19.802 |
NW of Custer. KY86 NW 5.7 miles from jct with KY690 in Custer to the quilt on the NE side of the road at 371. |
KY-14-09 |
Flower Garden |
Joe & Joann Tabor |
06-2016 |
N37 47.324 W86 20.491 |
NE of Garfield. US60 NE 1.0 miles from jct with KY86 in Garfield to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 7491. |
KY-14-10 |
Lone Star |
Pine Hill Family Farm |
06-2016 |
N37 47.282 W86 20.761 |
NE of Garfield. US60 NE 0.65 miles from jct with KY86 in Garfield to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 7211. |
KY-14-11 |
Royal Star of Kentucky |
Kenneth & Donna Gentry |
06-2016 |
N37 45.550 W86 20.700 |
S. of Garfield. Garfield Woodrow Rd. E. (curves S.) 2.2 miles from jct with US60 in Garfield to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 2198. |
KY-14-12 |
Grannies Fan |
Dreamland Farm |
06-2016 |
N37 46.346 W86 22.885 |
SW of Garfield. US60 SE 1.6 miles from jct with KY86 in Garfield to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 5121. |
KY-14-13 |
Mennonite Broken Star |
C&R Tire |
06-2016 |
N37 45.300 W86 23.833 |
NE of Harned. US60 E. (curves NE) 0.8 miles from jct with KY79 in Harned to the quilt on the NW side of the road at 3690. |
KY-14-14 |
Log Cabin Star |
Breckenridge County Ext Homemakers |
06-2016 |
N37 45.645 W86 27.643 |
S. of Hardinsburg. KY261 S. 0.1 miles from jct with US60 S. of Hardinsburg to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1377. |
KY-14-15 |
Modified Blazing Star |
Chester & Brenda Bruington |
06-2016 |
N37 46.206 W86 27.392 |
S. of Hardinsburg. KY261 N. 0.4 miles from jct with US60 S. of Hardinsburg, E. (curves N. & E.) on Brookshire Ln. 0.2 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 205. |
KY-14-16 |
County Fair |
County Association for the Handicapped |
06-2016 |
N37 45.989 W86 26.144 |
In Hardinsburg. Fairgrounds Rd. SE 0.3 miles from jct with Bus.US60, NE into the fairgrounds 100 yds to the quilt on the SE side of the road. |
KY-14-17 |
Fan |
Butlers Storage |
06-2016 |
N37 45.059 W86 24.327 |
In Hardinsburg. US60 E. 0.2 miles from jct with KY79 to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 3044. |
KY-14-18 |
Butterflies |
Unknown |
06-2016 |
N37 45.115 W86 24.899 |
In Harned. US60 W. 0.3 miles from jct with KY79 to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 2586. |